How do I download a free trial version of a game?
Simply click the Free Trial button for the game that you would like to download.
A window like the one shown in the screen picture (on the left) should pop up asking if you want to Open (or Run) the file from the current location or Save the file to disk.
You can select either of these options, but choose Save if you want to keep the original installation file on your hard disk.
Click the Yes (or OK) button to start the downloading.
After the file has downloaded, install the program; and when the installation process has completed you will be able to play the game by double-clicking on the game's desktop icon or shortcut.

How do I unlock the full version of a Superior Interactive game?
When you purchase a full version, we will email a User Name and a Software Key to you.
After you have installed the software, a message will be displayed asking you to enter the User Name and Software Key. Please type in the User Name and Software Key carefully ensuring that no extra spaces are entered at the end.
The Software Key needs to be entered using the appropriate upper and lower case letters (for example, the k in TEkM3 is a lower-case k). Each Software Key contains four dashes, and the dashes should be entered as the - symbol rather than the _ symbol (these symbols look similar on the keyboard).
If you prefer you can copy and paste the User Name and Software Key information from your email into the entry boxes. Click this link for details of how to copy and paste text.

What should I do if I experience a problem with a game I have downloaded?
Please check that your computer meets the System Requirements, which are listed on each game's webpage; and that your computer has the latest drivers and Microsoft Windows updates installed. To download and install the latest version of DirectX, please visit the following Microsoft webpage:
Run Scandisk (Error-checking) and Defrag (Defragmentation). These are important utilities to help you tune up your Microsoft Windows filesystem and ensure it is running properly. Scandisk checks your drive(s) for problems, and Defrag (short for Disk Defragmenter) organizes your filesystem to help Microsoft Windows read files faster.
An easy way to access Scandisk and Defrag is to open My Computer, and right-click on the drive you want to tune up. On the context menu choose Properties and then select the Tools tab.
If a game runs slowly or erratically, close any other programs which are open, and/or restart your computer.
Your computer may be running some adware or spyware. There are two particular programs which we have found helpful for detecting and removing such software: Ad-Aware and Spybot - Search & Destroy.
If the problem persists, please email support@superiorinteractive.com

For guidance on our games, please visit these webpages:
Repton 1 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Repton 2 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Repton 3 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Galaforce Worlds Hints and Tips
Ravenskull 'Getting Started' Guide
Ricochet 'Getting Started' Guide

Passwords, Tips, Maps and Walkthrough Guides