FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Question: Can I play Repton 2 in windowed mode as well as full-screen mode?

Answer: Yes, the F10 key toggles between full-screen and windowed mode. The next time you load the Repton 2 game the previous setting will be retained. You can also make Repton 2 start in windowed mode the first time it is run by holding down the W key when the Superior Interactive loading screen is showing.

Question: How can I load a previously saved game position on the Repton 2 main menu screen?

Answer: The easiest way to load a saved game position is to press SHIFT+L (that is, the SHIFT and L keys pressed at the same time), and this key combination works on both the Repton 2 main menu screen and the Repton 2 game screen.

Question: How can I load the Caverns scenario into the game?

Answer: On the Repton 2 main menu screen, click Options. Then click Load on the Options screen. On the Scenarios screen, click Caverns, then click Load near the bottom of that screen.

(The screenshot on the right shows Level 1 of the Caverns scenario. Click the image for a larger view.)

Question: How can I load the Beginner scenario into the game?

Answer: Simply use the same kind of procedure as described in the previous answer. On the Repton 2 main menu screen, click Options; then click Load on the Options screen. On the Scenarios screen, click Beginner, and finally click Load.
Question: I would like to redefine the keys used for controlling Repton. How can I do that?

Answer: On the Repton 2 main menu screen, click Options. Under the heading Controls on the Options screen, click any of the key choices shown in orange, and then press the key that you would like to use. For example, to redefine the Up key, click the orange key choice (by default it is Up Arrow) shown after the word Up; now press the key that you wish to use.

Question: Can I play Repton 2 without seeing the information panel that is usually displayed on the right-hand side of the screen?

Answer: Yes, you can toggle the information panel on and off using the TAB key.
Question: What are the properties of the safes and the keys?

Answer: Collecting a key opens all of the safes on that level to reveal a diamond within each safe. There are several keys positioned on some of the levels, and it may be important to decide which key to collect - as some of the keys can cause Repton to become blocked in, for example.
Question: I have designed a scenario using the Repton 2 Editor. How can I play the level in the game?

Answer: In the Editor, it is important to set the title of the scenario: on the File menu, click Properties, and then enter your choice of scenario name into the Title box. After you have completed your scenario design, on the File menu, click Save. Now start the Repton 2 game program, and load your scenario by clicking Options on the main menu screen, followed by clicking Load on the Options screen. When the Scenarios screen appears, click the title of your scenario, then click Load.
Question: Do you have any tips for the Message scenario of Repton 2?

Answer: This is the final part of this FAQ, so please don't read any further if you would prefer to play the game without any further guidance.

When playing the Message scenario it is important to work out the sequence of transporters to take on Level 1. We suggest starting with the transporters labelled 1 to 6 in that order as shown on the screen picture above.
To reach the transporter labelled 1, Repton has to clear the pile of rocks on the right-hand side of the screen, and at the same time he must also avoid blocking in the transporter labelled 2. To accomplish this, Repton needs to make a special manoeuvre which was first introduced in Repton 1 on Starter Level 10.
Repton should take transporters 3 to 6 in the order shown in the screen picture. If Repton tries a different order (for example, taking transporter 6 first), he will end up getting stuck.
When Repton is on Level 1 you can save your game position whenever you wish by simply moving Repton to the savepoint located near the top-right of Level 1. So it's possible to experiment with different routes then return to an earlier saved game position if necessary.
All of the Repton 2 levels can be completed without loss of life, although Repton has to move swiftly (for example, to avoid spirits) on some of the levels. Sometimes it is very useful to plan his routes in advance by viewing the map before attempting each section of a level.
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