Hints and Tips

1. Choose the control option that suits you. Making the right choice for controlling the spaceship could make a big difference for you!

2. Use the pickups wisely. I use the shield as much as possible and take every opportunity to top it up. I only use the bomb disarmer as an alternative if I don't already have the shield.

3. Observe alien formations, particularly in the later worlds. It is better to hide from some formations rather than risk losing a life by attempting to clear that formation.

4. Find a 'safe spot' for difficult formations. In the later worlds there is usually a safe(ish) spot where you can maximise your chances of survival. This may take several attempts to find - it's worth doing, and it's also worth remembering for each formation.

5. Be persistent. Galaforce Worlds can be frustrating! Sometimes it can be cruel, and sometimes the pickups can go against you. The more you play the tricky levels, the better you will become. As you build up your technique this will help you in the later, difficult worlds.

When you play difficult zones over and over you will find that your skill develops rapidly. You can only conquer tircky zones by becoming familiar with them and getting to know the safe spots.

Completing each world (particularly the more difficult ones) for the first time is extremely satisfying, and is also a good indication of advancing skill.

6. When a known difficult zone is approaching, use earlier zones if possible to build up your armoury.

For example, you can leave one or two aliens in a repeating formation and wait for the pickups to fall, then move on when you have collected your choice of pickups.

This can be particularly effective in the zones leading up to a final power-alien zone.

7. Sometimes it is helpful to play back through your favourite zones as this often brings encouragement and enables you to 're-attack' any zones that may be bothering you.

8. Make sure you have plenty of practice at the zones leading up to the final zones in the difficult worlds. Remember when the tricky formations appear; you may have to play through the later zones many times before you complete some of the difficult worlds.

9. A good way to build up your score is by destroying as many 'dropped' aliens as possible - for example, in Zones 2 and 9 of World 1 of First Encounter. The aliens will disperse after a while, but this tip can help to boost your score considerably.

Good luck, Commanders!
 Come on - let's defeat the Magellanic forces together!
These Hints and Tips have been compiled mainly by the game's skilful programmer Ian Rees, together with a tip from the talented player Matt Davis.
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