Zen Puzzle Garden is one of the greatest puzzle games we have ever seen!
It is one of a small select band of games to have been awarded the prestigious Bytten Gold Star Award, with their glowing review including the following comments:
"The presentation is very good and it is clear that a lot work has gone into getting the game to look, and work, just right."
"The game is very challenging but not frustrating by being too difficult because the basic idea is so simple to visualise. It's almost like the solution is inches away."
"About half of the games we review are some sort of puzzle game and of those I've so far reviewed, Zen Puzzle Garden is the best to play, and the best presented too."
Each level in Zen Puzzle Garden is a special Japanese rock garden which can be solved by raking all of the sand. The player controls a little monk, who must endeavour to complete each garden; the monk cannot walk over sand he has already raked. Adding to the complexity there are rocks, movable stone ornaments and collectable leaves - the leaves have to be collected in sequence: yellow first, followed by orange, and then red.
There is no time pressure, and you can restart each puzzle or undo one move whenever you want, so you can experiment with different raking patterns on the path to enlightenment. It is very difficult to describe the full attraction of this remarkable game, so please judge for yourself by playing the free trial version of Zen Puzzle Garden, which features the first five puzzle gardens.
Zen Puzzle Garden is a top-class game, and highly recommended!
System Requirements: Windows 95 (or later) or MacOS X
133MHz CPU

 Click these pictures to see larger images

 Spring Introducing the puzzles

 Summer Movable ornaments

 Autumn Leaves add complexity

 Winter Beautifully challenging
