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Issue 42 26 December 2014
Happy Christmas Everyone! A New Puzzle Competition Today
We hope you are all enjoying a wonderful Christmas! Many thanks to everyone who has emailed us or posted messages on Facebook or Twitter with kind wishes.
The Mystic and Challenge scenarios are proving to be nicely puzzling for our Repton fans.
The screen picture on the left shows the third Mystic level called 'Fortune's Wheel'. At first sight it can seem to be quite a tricky level, but with a little perseverance everything slots into place and an appropriate solution route can be found.
Today we are pleased to announce what may become a new tradition for us: a Christmas puzzle. Please click this link to see the first clue in the 2014 quest. There will be another clue each day up to 31 December. We hope you enjoy this puzzle, and congratulations if you solve it using the first four clues or earlier.
We are always very grateful for your feedback and appreciation, and here are five glowing comments by recent customers, quoted with their permission: "Love Repton." ... Cathy Milligan "I have worked with, and on, computers (main frame to PC) since the late '60s and these are the only games that have held my interest since their introduction. " ... A.B. "Best game in history." ... John Stecko "Excellent software." ... Dr Andrew Crawshaw "the best games ever" ... Paul Martin
Please don't miss the iOS version of Repton 1, the PC version of Repton 1 at a reduced price of £8.95 for a few more days, and the new Mystic and Challenge scenarios – available today from our online PC software shop by clicking any of the currency buttons below: