The latest news on iRepton is that a free upgrade to iRepton will soon be ready. It will include OpenFeint support with online high score tables and achievements, a new optional control method (a D-pad), and a sensitivity selector for the gesture control method.
We have recently set up a Superior Interactive Fan Page on Facebook. We have several software projects under way, and we plan to post some messages on the fan page occasionally as they progress. It should also provide a helpful forum to find out more about players' interests in new games and features. Please join the Superior Interactive Fan Page at: www.facebook.com/superiorinteractive

Thank you again for all the great reviews and ratings for iRepton. Some customers have told us that they are extremely keen to play iRepton, but they don't have an iPhone or iPod Touch.
We have recently found a genuine and fair free offer for the iPod Touch, iPhone and many other items!
There are just 3 simple steps:
Please click this affiliate link and join the FJ Network.
Then complete any offer at that website. One of the offers is a free trial of LOVEFiLM: you can watch some DVDs of your choice completely free (there are no postage charges).
Give family and friends your link. On eight referrals, you receive an iPod Touch; or you can choose other items at different levels.
How does this work? LOVEFiLM and the other offer providers spread awareness of their brands and pay fees to the FJ Network for each offer completed, and these payments enable the chosen items to be bought for members. It's a genuine win/win arrangement!
Special information about LOVEFiLM: this innovative company was founded in 2006 by William Reeve, who co-authored our BBC Micro/Electron Pipeline game in his younger days.
As featured in a BBC Newsnight TV programme, which explained that traditional forms of advertising have gradually tended to become less effective. Forward-looking companies, such as LOVEFiLM, are now utilising new ways of increasing their brand awareness.
Best wishes,
Richard Hanson, Superior Interactive www.superiorinteractive.com |