Repton Spectacular is now available on CD from the Superior Interactive online shop. Our special introductory discount prices apply on all purchases of Repton Spectacular up to Wednesday, 14 February.
One of the most rewarding aspects of our work is the feedback we receive from customers. Judging from your comments, we certainly seem to have struck the right chord with Repton Spectacular. Thank you once again for all your kind remarks, including these recent comments:
"I have bought Repton 1, 2, 3 and Spectacular from you and love them all." ... Stephanie Price
"I've managed to finish Glacier [one of the Spectacular scenarios] - great fun, and somehow it's always nicer to do a brand new level, rather than one you've done before (even if you can't remember doing it!)" ... John McElroy
"I'm really enjoying Spectacular. It has to be the best £9 worth of entertainment that I've ever had. ... I've been playing Repton ever since I owned a BBC model B in the 1980s. As a 55-year-old just-retired mathematics lecturer I find the gameplay mentally stimulating and I am continually amazed by the infinite possibilities for puzzles." ... Chris Andrews
"Well done. A quality site ... quality software and first class support!!" ... Joe Souter
"My 7-year-old now requests Repton to play instead of all his other games because 'it makes me think', so thanks again for reviving my love of Repton." ... Paul Langton
"I am so pleased to be able to play Repton, Ravenskull and Pipeline again. The games are even better than before." ... Christine Jones
Our new astore features three main products that we recommend and frequently use ourselves: the Maxtor 320 GB drive (we use these hard drives for our primary backups and a secondary set stored separately), Norton Save & Restore software (based upon Symantec's award-winning Norton Ghost software), and the Canon Pixma iP4300 Photo Printer (a quality colour printer, which we selected after making comparative detailed assessments against HP and Epson printers).
We have some new guest game releases lined up, including an enthralling arcade-style/platform/puzzle game; it really fits into all of those categories! More details soon in the next issue of our newsletter.
Best wishes,
Richard Hanson, Superior Interactive www.superiorinteractive.com |