Repton 2 for the PC was published last Friday, and the first week's sales have been the best of any Superior Interactive game to date!
So thank you very much for your continued support of our games, and we are extending the 20% discount special offer on Repton 2 for a further week up to Friday 26 November.
We won't be able to continue the offer beyond this date, so please pass the word to any of your friends or family who you think may be interested in our software. The more the merrier!
Thank you also for your helpful feedback, which includes the following customer comments (quoted with permission):
"Have just bought Repton 2. It's brilliant." ... Jonathan Holmes
"Repton 2 - it's everything I had hoped it would be, and more!" ... Tim Gladding
"Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant! Just a quick note to say 'thank you' for Repton 2. It looks absolutely wonderful." ... John McElroy
"I'm delighted with the quality and level of support for your products - and you can quote me on that." ... Steve Giller
Six players names now appear in the Repton 2 Hall of Fame for completing the Message scenario. The Caverns scenario is proving to be an even greater challenge! Maybe you can complete both Message and Caverns?
We mentioned the game's creator and the level designers last week, and we would also like to give a big round of applause to three more key personnel in this Repton 2 project: David Bratton, Sam Skivington and Darren Izzard.
David is the programmer of both the game and editor, and he also programmed the popular PC version of Repton 1. Sam and Darren produced graphics, music and sound-effects for Repton 2.
There are three special Repton 2 key controls that are worth emphasising:
the quickest way to load a saved game position is to use SHIFT+L, and this command can be used both on the main menu screen and during the game;
to toggle the game's information panel on and off, press the TAB key; and
to toggle between standard and alternative graphics, press the BACKSPACE key.
We are also running a second discount offer up to 26 November: you can buy Pipeline Plus and Repton 2 together at a combined price of $31.90 (approximately £16.70 at current exchange rates), which amounts to a total discount of 20% on the standard prices!
In fairness to everyone, all customers who have ordered Pipeline Plus and Repton 2 up to 26 November will be credited with the 20% discount in respect of Pipeline Plus. So if you haven't checked out this futuristic adventure game, please download the free trial version of Pipeline Plus.
Like Repton 2, this game includes savepoints at specific locations; and the full version of Pipeline Plus contains two adventures, one of which is particularly challenging! Many of the pipe elements are linked together, creating interesting puzzles, and you will often be moving around through these pipes during the game.
Here are the links to the Superior Interactive shop showing the special offers:
Best wishes,
Richard Hanson, Superior Interactive |