Christmas Puzzle 2014
Welcome to our Christmas Puzzle 2014! Can you work out the answer to this puzzle? A clue will be posted here each day from 26 to 31 December 2014.
If you think you know the answer, with respect for other players please do not post it anywhere publicly. Please email your answer to:
Day 1 (26 December)
 We begin with a picture clue:
Day 2 (27 December)
 Here is the next clue: 1..5.1..1
Day 3 (28 December)
 The picture is made up from snippets of several published Repton levels. Can you identify which levels are shown in the picture?
Day 4 (29 December)
 Hello. Bonjour. Guten Tag. Hola. Ciao.
Day 5 (30 December)
 Here is the next clue: .86.1.61.
Day 6 (31 December)
 Here is the final clue:
There are nine Repton levels featured in the picture. In the order shown in the picture, these nine levels are:
Giant Clam (with one of the eggs about to fall)
a Mystic level named in the Superior Interactive Newsletter Issue 41
a Challenge level named in the Superior Interactive Newsletter Issue 41
Terrapin (showing one of the first brain teasers)
a Mystic level named in the Superior Interactive Newsletter Issue 42
Sidewinder (showing part of Tim Tyler's name)
Making use of this information and the other clues, can you deduce an appropriate nine-letter word that is the solution to this puzzle?
So far we have received the correct answer from two people, and we expect many more of you have solved the puzzle. We hope you enjoyed it!
Please click here to see the answer.